Technical Resources Needed for RSI

For a seamless remote simultaneous interpretation three types of media are required:

  1. Appropriate means to capture the original message

To be heard and translated clearly, the speaker must use a professional microphone. Technology allows you to speak at a large international congress from your home, but if you do so through the built-in microphone on your own device or through a headset connected via Bluetooth, the sound will be poor, undermining your professional image and hindering translation into other languages.

Repaldo IC SL
A good headset connected by cable is imperative to participate in virtual meetings
  1. Suitable means of transmitting sound

Unlike videoconferencing platforms, most SRI platforms allow sound to be equalized to a greater or lesser extent. But they also resort to massive compression to reduce bandwidth usage. Over-compression can limit the transmission of the dynamic range of human language, distorting it and making it difficult to understand, especially in certain languages.

Specialized sound companies deploy all the technical resources necessary to fill the gaps in video conferencing platforms and offer professional means suitable for each type of event at reasonable costs.

  1. Adequate means to receive interpretation

For hygienic, economic and capacity reasons, the reception of interpretation through apps and personal electronic devices is becoming more widespread. Listeners should be equipped with their own quality wired headphones (transmission via Bluetooth requires considerable compression of the frequency spectrum).